Wednesday, December 15, 2010

your status updates bore me, but I'll keep you around in case you are the next gates or zuckerberg.

post grad and the time to build and expand your personal and professional network has never been so detrimental. so why is it that all I want to do is purge my contacts? one of my friends insists that every contact is a potential successor in your future, and another has a strict two hundred cap on her facebook friends- so where do you draw the line? Should you add everyone and accept each request on every social media platform? Does a 'de-friending' mean a burnt bridge? of course social media guru sidney eve matrix has already covered this on cyberpop. sidney relates and explains... "For me, the mass unfriending phenomenon is a teachable moment, which is why I’ve designed a course at Queen’s University starting in January, for fourth year students who are just about to graduate, on building a strong digital platform and persona." I am a year behind on this fantastic course, but I'll be sure to keep up with the slides and share. In the mean time read the brilliant article, platforms constructed and dismantled for your friending frustrations.

tweets that slayed me on this subject...
     People need to stop combining their tweets with facebook... its bad enough your   tweets suck. Now I gotta see them on my mini-feed. @ZAKLONGO 
     Everyday someone with 20 friends, and 1 profile picture, adds me to Facebook. @dylansHotFire